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Hotspot Travellers Sharing experiences in travel, destinations around the world and holidays. 15
Life Travel and Photography Capture an image, can be your selfie or any image represent your life in a day. Write about it in 2 to 3 minutes and share it. Just remember we have to follow Medium rules. No hate, only love and inspiring words. Think of your readers. 15
Why States Matter Sister District Project MA&RI gives the lowdown on why state-level races are so vital to the nation’s health. SDP helps top-notch Democratic candidates win strategically important state elections across the country, and works to expand civic engagement. Join us! 15
The Humo(u)r Mill Comedy from the flippant fingers of people who think they’re funnier than you 15
Parenting Tales From the Trenches Daily life and assorted ephemera about the trials and triumphs of raising kids 15
The Uncanny The Uncanny is an attempt to look deeper at strange current events, ideas, and trends. 15
A Side of My Own Saying unexpected things since the 1980s. I often don’t fit into the political milieu, and people sometimes get angry. But even when I’m right, it never helps. 15
Iggy Tech Making the world’s data accessible 15
The light The light is a family of writers where all writers are welcomed to share the light of their words. 15
Vesto Review Queries: 15
On Second Thought On Second Thought exists to challenge. Our stories encourage empathy, curiosity, integrity, and transformation — in the reader and the storyteller. We aim to be intentional with every story we share, and in the process, grow a community of mindful thinkers and doers. 15
ateliware Ateliê de software que desenvolve produtos e soluções handmade. 15 The immediately productive shareable database 15 We are a collective of engineers, designers, data scientists, and product leaders who create technology as a catalyst for innovation and positive industry change. 15
Artiwise NLP Headlines from Artiwise 15