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Stop Clearcutting CA Our mission is to educate and engage the public, lawmakers and regulators in California about the damage caused by widespread industrial clearcutting, as well as advocate for alternatives to clearcutting for the long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems throughout the state. 15
Bluecadet In-progress explorations from the Bluecadet team 15
Trouva Product Blog Perspectives and updates from Trouva’s product team 15
Board of Governors A folder for all things BOG exam related 15
Social Impact Analytics The Social Impact Analytics Institute is a nonprofit organization with a mission to use data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning for social good. 15
Wolves Don’t Obey Courage. Creativity. Focus. Truth. Grit. 15
Wind Up Monkey Hi, my name is Gerard Gigliotti. I’m a software engineer living in Melbourne, Australia. I’m currently working at Ippon Australia. Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer. 15
Mystic Junkie Exploring the Other Wordly 15
// tech TALENTS We empower tech entrepreneurs by educating them in the fields of personality, design, technology, and business development. Read what our early stage startups and educators have to say. 15
Kids for Kids We are a Youth Organization on Culture, Climate, & Children’s Rights, crafting a community of young people to give them a platform to safeguard the future of the next generations where every child‘s right, does not have to be fought for but lived out everyday. 15
Spice the North Stories by Kim Oguilve — From Costa Rica to Finland. 15
GopenSource Everything You Need to Know About Open Source 15
Data Stash A Partnership in Discovery 15
Young Corporate Career Resources. Pro-Tips. Discussion. Made for Millennials and Gen Z. 15
Everyday Life Uncluttered Need a positivity boost? Then you’ve come to the right place. This is a publication for readers who want to focus on positive vibes and simple living. 15