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Truebil Engineering Truebil is a team of young, highly motivated professionals who strive to help you buy and sell used cars in the simplest way possible. We believe that through authentic and curated information, we can bring a revolution to this industry. 12
Enharmonic We publish thought-provoking stories and technical articles based on our work in AI and Graph technology at Enharmonic. 12
KCL Blockchain Blockchain Content from King's College London Students Blockchain Society 12
SeeHow Sensor Fusion and AI for Sports 12
jp fosterson’s fiction, etc The Writing of JP Fosterson. 12
The Onyx A platform dedicated for black male writers, of all sexual orientations, political, and economic backgrounds. 12
Ad It Up News/analysis/occasional rants about the advertising world. Firm believer that while David Ogilvy is a genius, nowadays an ad has to sell AND entertain to be successful. 12
LooseVerse Poetry To love the work is to honour the craft and its call~ 12
Lacework: Cloud & Container Security Insights Using the Cloud to Secure the Cloud 12
Data, Tech and The Universe I have a Podcast called— Data, Tech and The Universe. In this podcast I discuss the real-life manifestation of the data and technology around us. And a bit about Universe. Listen to the podcast at via any of your Podcast apps 12
Per Pro Schema A navigational boulevard for law students and a thinking place for legal philosophy buffs. 12
Erasmus Change Together, we are standing up for climate justice. Our generation cannot and will not stay passive. 12
Instant Interactive Revolutionary middleware protocol that streams rich 3D content in a way that enables efficient local rendering on any device 12
YIMBY Neoliberal YIMBY Neoliberal 12
The Case for Her Sexual Pleasure The Case for Her on the importance of investing in female sexual pleasure. 12