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ARTSCULTUREBEAT covering arts & culture in NYC 8
hauntology literature & arts. ghosts, impressions, poetry, and book reviews. 8
Taking Tea With The Tao A publication about finding the way to fulfilment through peace and acceptance, recognising the universal flow in all things. 8
walking chicago: a windy city atlas By studying and practicing the art of walking, we will use the material of everyday life - the rhythms and experiences of the streets of Chicago, its people, places, and things - as construction material for our compositions. 8
steffanpedersendotcom a backlog of blogs from my personal site 8
Tide Foundation Official voice of the Tide Foundation, covering the Tide Protocol — the infrastructure for the global Personal Data Economy. 8
The Gotham Grind Covering labor and the workplace in New York City 8
Lambda Automotive We are the Lambda development team. We love beer and coffee. 8
Database Of Things An attempt to define a general database that can store information about various items and activities for supply chain. 8
FCG Fahrenheit A publication for UIC Flames Consulting Group 8
Brendan Marsh Aussie Expat living in Sweden. Gamer, ex Agile Coach, Product Manager, Atheist, maker of Kombucha. 8
Association of Young Americans About young people, our lives, and policies that affect us. 8
The Cageliner Edmund Burke School’s Student Newspaper 8
Squid Ink Poetry on the human condition 8
The Ideastream A home for prolific writers. 8