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The Frugal Company Frugal innovation resources 8
the Scinder Science is our best available tool to explore and respect the universe 8
Quantum Outreach Making science accessible and fun for youth. Please follow us on Medium and on Instagram, thanks! 8
Translation Times A publication for freelance translators and translation buyers, discussing language, business, freelancing and translation matters 8
How to Publish Your Book Exploring everything related to writing, author marketing, and publishing 8
Think/Classify Think/Classify is a place for a host of different ideas and writing titbits. Join us as we take a deep-dive into topics like the distinction between art and entertainment, beauty, the history of art, and feminist ethics. THINK/CLASSIFY is the brainchild of Lizzie Bestow. 8
Carvago Development Carvago is a large tech company and this publication focuses on topics related to development, design, analysis and architecture of our systems. 8
Mapped A new perspective on IoT 8
Vionlabs Tech Blog Learn more about the technology behind successful streaming services. Everything from user experience to data driven technology 8
Green and Red Media Welcome to our scrappy publication. We discuss radical environmental and anti-capitalist politics; share people’s history and critique the status quo. 8
JS Essentials Place to learn JavaScript concepts in simple manner. 8
Machine learning Quest Learning how machines learn 8
PerceptronAI We build models that can help you to find patterns in the most complex data structure and visualize them such that it is presentable and interpretable. 8
Neuromorphic Computing and Edge AI Adaptive, efficient, and responsive computing at the edge with neuromorphic processors and sensors. 8
moderated Dive into insights and phenomenons of the Fashion Industry and keep up with the most talked last week’s events of the industry already curated and summarized for you. 8