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The Book Review This publication is a collection of book reviews written by Sharon Alger. 8
The DropOuter The Dropout is a community of storytellers documenting the journey startup, business, freelancing, and entrepreneurship. 8
Yale NROTC Peak Performance Nutrition, Recovery, and Performance Tips from Your TrainO and Assistant TrainOs 8
Weeronline Modern web and mobile development 8
Reclaiming Rural Reclaiming Rural is a project of Down Home North Carolina. We are reclaiming what it means to live in and be from the rural South. 8
Big Data, Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems The things related with big data, cloud computing and distributed systems are gonna covered. 8
DataDream Exploring the Joys and Pitfalls of Big Data 8
Political Economy Political Economy aims to present information about economics from its traditional origins: the study of economics as it applies to society and politics. 8
Canopy Investor Meta Data Analysis Canopy is an investment reporting and analytics company. Tanmai Sharma, Founder & CEO, analyses investment trends seen in Canopy’s meta-data 8
Sycamore Journalism Journalism by students at Indiana State University. 8
This Code This Code features stories on different programming languages and fields— tutorials and how-tos, all that really matters in software development along with some productivity advice. 8
Journal on the Environment and Society A medium blog about current issues on the environment, biodiversity, conservation, and climate change. Articles here include updates on specific topics, op-eds, and policy analysis on global environmental affairs and regulations. 8
Dev Ghost Stories I’m a simple blog. I talk about code, and real-life pain. I should be read with a cup of coffee, I don’t mind tea as well. 8
Village Up San Diego Our goal is to bring together affinity groups to identify existing barriers to entrepreneurship and talent recruitment from underserved communities and to develop pathways to overcome them. Ultimately we want to create a model that is replicable in other communities. 8
NERDJACKING JavaScript and shit done right. Once. 8