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TealHaus Strategies Creating and abiding by a thoughtful, comprehensive marketing strategy is paramount to your business’s success. Let us simplify your efforts, streamline your processes, and build on your foundation. 6
thecloudbee Working with a technology is just the 20%, having an understanding of the technology is what makes you a master. This blog writes about the cloud technologies in the most simplistic way. 6
Business Drive Connected. Automated. Electrified. Shared. Digitized. The biggest disruption in mobility since the assembly line is upon us. This blog offers perspectives, analysis and advice on how the business of moving people will evolve. 6
Heja Stories With a strong product focus and an extremely talented team we’ve already grown Heja to over 1 million users around the globe. Join us on our journey to connect the world of youth sports. 6
MC2 Project An open source platform for secure cloud-based analytics and machine learning for confidential data 6
NBTL NBTL is a platform that contains real life examples of Hello World tutorials and production grade deployments to any of the cloud providers. Developers get a grasp on different cloud platforms and their most used services. Interested in publishing with us? 6
Canna Poet Mom Your guide to pot, parenting, & poetry 6
Secret Confessions Heart-wrenching unrequited love, a petty crime, guilty pleasures that should not see the light of day, ingenious but inconsequential ideas… you have something to confess, even if it’s just to get it off your chest. 6
On2 Dev On2 is Brazilian software house that helps companies to build their products using bleeding-edge technologies. 6
Mythologie Publication Learning about other cultures by sharing folklore and mythology from around the world. 6
Courting My Muse Thoughts, inspirations and destinations stumbled upon during a journey through life as a musician, artist, photographer and writer 6
Project: Raven Novel Project: Raven Novel traces the expansion of a short story into a novel via creative blogging. 6
Tauk Blog Enabling developers to efficiently diagnose, resolve, and optimize their automation tests. 6
till Our learnings and experiences with our engineering team as we scaled 6
Mobius Pathways Dedicated to presenting top quality Flash Fiction, Flash Non-Fiction, and Poetry about the infinite pathways we take through our shared world 6