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Low Life True stories about playing the double bass at bowling alleys, jazz festivals, and in orchestra pits. There may be sex and drugs but no rock’n’roll. 6
Siprak Team We are Group A of the Software Engineering Project Course 2020/2021/1 at Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia. We consist of four people: Edina, Frans, Harold, and Figo. 6
Institute for Applied Computational Science At the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, IACS is the home for students and faculty who are tackling major challenges in science and the world through the use of computational methods. 6
Data Pupper Promoting knowledge stuffs on Data Science and topics related to other fields. Simplifying complex topics related to various projects from Kaggle and providing rich content on relevant concepts. 6
Creator Coffee Shop Jittery creatives talking movies and gear. 6
Deep Learning for Protein Design This blog follows current research in deep learning for protein structure prediction and design (with a focus on protein design). See all posts at 6
Framing Visual Culture The visual and written component of Framing Visual Culture podcast, a radio style show ft. deep and casual conversations with artists, creative practitioners and academics. 6
The Daily Practice Following a process to make progress every day, one tiny step at a time. 6
Looking for Wisdom Philosophy for insatiably curious: the greatest philosophers and the most intriguing philosophies from across the world. 6
The Definitive Notes The study notes are mainly about software engineering 6
Science plus plus Stories that reflect on science, then re-reflect with creativity. 6
Glazed Dev Stories and posts from the Glazed team, a group of elite web and mobile developers that has developed hundreds of apps for millions of users and some of the world’s largest companies. 6
Gender in International Affairs Covering all aspects of gender in international affairs. A project by students in Professor Raymond Smith’s Gender in International Affairs class at NYU’s Center for Global Affairs. 6
DiUS DiUS is an Australian technology company that puts innovation at the heart of how we help our clients. We specialise in figuring out how to best use emerging technology to solve difficult problems, get new ideas to market, or disrupt traditional business models. 6
Blazer Micro-publication bridging financial technology, startups, and vc’s. 6