Slalom Build
The Build Blog is a collection of perspectives and viewpoints on the craft of building digital products today, written by the technologists that build them. By builders, for builders.

Tim Knapp
Engineering Practice Director at Slalom Build. Software Architect, Tech Culture Champion, Dad, Amateur Foodie. Managing Editor of the Slalom Build Blog

Blake Norrish
Quality Engineer, Software Developer, Consultant, Pessimist — Currently Sr Director of Quality Engineering at Slalom Build.
Andy Whitehouse
Solution Owner for Slalom Build, where she helps clients develop and implement custom IT solutions.

Kelli Mohr
Spend my days in the Cloud. Keep things simple and efficient. Software Engineer. DevOps Enthusiast. Agile Evangelist. Amateur farmer.

Stevi Rex
Content & Tech

Tim Whitney
Tim is a Practice Area Lead with Slalom Build in Chicago. He helps clients with architectural vision, product development, and engineering thought leadership.

Erin Gold
Experience designer at Slalom Build. Focused at the intersection of strategy and social impact.

Malinda Scott
Sr Director of Quality Engineering at Slalom Build

Tanya McGinnity
Multiclass Creative Generalist Elf with 14 Intelligence, 13 Wisdom & 16 Charisma. Low constitution but a big heart.

Luis Hermosilla
Lead Experience Designer. Digital wanderer. Based in London. Passionate about all things design. Music, art and photography enthusiast. www.luigiht.com
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