Publications tagged `CODE`
Name Followers
Pointer IO Pointer is a reading club for developers. It’s a window into what other current and future CTOs are reading and thinking about. Subscribe at 56,700
Daily assets for Designers and Developers This publication is for designers and developers who want to find and share resources to build apps and sites. 18,174
Decoded New skills for a new world 2,581
The Code Review Programming tutorials for web and software developers. Also at 2,158
friendship .js JavaScript is better with friends 1,866
baseds Exploring the basics of distributed systems, every alternate Wednesday, for a year. 1,651
Slalom Build The Build Blog is a collection of perspectives and viewpoints on the craft of building digital products today, written by the technologists that build them. By builders, for builders. 1,364
Code Alpha Introductions, tutorials, recipes and notes for dummies who happen to find themselves hacking around. 1,178
Fiverr Engineering The technology behind the platform that’s disrupting the future of work 841
devStories Stories about software development from the dev team. 787
Skills Matter A community of software developers with a passion for tackling complex challenges. 520
Gusto Engineering Reengineering Payroll, Benefits, and HR for modern business. Hiring empathetic engineers in San Francisco, Denver and NYC! 515
Read Write Code Why Computer Science is becoming a foundational skill for the 21st century. 384
CodeShake Learnings and insights from SFEIR community. 334
BeTomorrow We'll be sharing and discussing code, technologies, new trends, dos and don'ts 279