Publications tagged `POLITICS`
Name Followers
On Fire in AK We have something to say. People-powered journalism from Alaska’s voices for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice. 41
’Til Queendom Come Real stories about the human experi (ment) ence. 40
Watercress Reshaping the Narrative 40
Chocolate Nuisance The truth doesn’t always provide a solution, but it does require that we contend with its contents for a solution to emerge. May my words provide truth whereby we can contend. 40
GeoMovements GeoMovements is an independent blog about white supremacy and trolls on social media. 39
Rinzin In the process of finding my writer’s voice. 39
Dismantle — Locate Taking apart ideas, events and philosophies to better understand how everything fits together. 39
Spec Always fresh. Always political. 38
SoapBox Editorial The Editorial branch of SoapBox Productions and Organizing features diverse written work that fosters fresh perspectives and radically imaginative takes on politics, culture, media, and society centered around structural social change and a more equitable world. 38
thecontextmag The Context is an independently-run student magazine that provides a platform for ideas, discussions, and dialogue on Art, Culture and Politics. Interested in contributing? Email us at: 37
Liberation Notes A blog and weekly newsletter on meditation practice. Sign up at 37
AP Marvel AP Marvel is a platform for progressive minds from marginalized communities to produce podcasts, essays, videos, and artwork about politics, social issues, and story themes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 37
This Womxn The profound and often convoluted thoughts of a hardline feminist, urban agriculturalist, vintage boho queen and obsessive creative. It’s angry, it’s funny. Sometimes practical, sometimes theoretical. It’s complicated. It ought to be. I’m a womxn. 37
Left of Center News and opinion about politics, culture and race. 37
Statecraft Magazine Statecraft is run by the UQ Politics Philosophy & Economics Society, and is a new home for students interested in understanding the world around us. 36