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Hypocenter for a Sustainable Future A Catalyst for Inspirational Intersectional Interdisciplinary Climate Change Curriculum Creation at Foothill College in Silicon Valley, CA USA 4
Blackcreek Driven by challenge. Inspired to solve. Blackcreek is an innovation firm partnering with forward-thinking brands and businesses. 4
Keeping it Wheel A personal blog mostly consisting of the hilarious outcomes of living with Cerebral Palsy, chronic sarcasm and dogs. 4
The Leader’s Playbook Essential how-to guides for leaders and founders determined to build teams & companies that matter by leadership coach, Todd Emaus. 4
Name and None Writing on LGBTQ+ topics from trans/non-binary creators. 4
Take a Bite of Bits and Bytes A blog about computer graphics, human-computer interaction and other random bits and bytes in tech. 4
Horecka Research Research by Dr. Kevin Horecka on topics in Data Science and Animal Welfare 4
Trauma Transformation Everyday Conversations 4
Tangibit Studios Getting technology from lab bench to living room 4
The Eclectic Thinker Thoughts on pets, travel, family, spirituality, love, and life. 4
The Quick Change Where Creativity & Conscienceness come together. 4
Latis TV Bringing you all the Korean gaming news straight from its heart in Gangnam, Seoul. 4
The Hooray Media Stories and insights from creators and thinkers. 4
Kritiqal Kritiqal is website focused on writing about video games from unorthodox and underserved perspectives. Its goal is to create discussions around games as an art form, as well as spotlight smaller independent games and developers creating cool things in interesting places. 4
inefficient_code(): learning stuff the hard way 4