All Publications
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AutisticalData An illustrated guide to data, studies, evidence and science relating to autism. 4
Matters + Minds Matters + Minds provides an in-depth look at various social and economic issues within California and the US. 4
21st Stories about our century — technology, people, culture, and everything in between 4
between pages Sometimes when you finish a book, you need a shelf for the thoughts that won’t leave your head. 4
Machine Learning with ABS Introduction to machine learning 4
Portland Design The Future Is Now 4
Falling Upwards A collection of poetry and short prose 4
WorkOverTime Paradigm Shifts in Energy | Food | Water 4
fluidic Cracking the code to Medical Marketing 4
Speaking Of Time A publication about time management, tips, and reminders for leaders, entrepreneurs, and other humans. 4
Paradigm Cascadia Pacific Northwest Vibes. Culture and Conservation. 4
Attention Lab Observations on media, marketing, technology and the war for attention. 4
Mindfulness Musings Focusing on mindfulness and it’s impact on life, the universe, and everything. 4
Asatru Articles about Germanic-Norse Paganism 4
Commoner Putting storytelling to work 4