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Sinaps A social network to grow differently. 4
Venture for Change Inspired by Venture Capital, I am on the look out for new opportunities which will allow me to leave my fingerprint in this world. 4 Insights on Design for the Public Good 4
Maren Air Articles born from the wonder of flight 4
Collecting Stamps your own personal space of breadcrumbs. submit your travel stories now. 4
A Curious Faith A curious faith comes from a curious theology. Exploring questions of faith and humanity. 4
The Texas Teen A project of the Texas High School Democrats 4
A Light-Filled Space Casting a light on the work of amazing writers, thinkers, artists, musicians, makers, photographers, philosophers, activists and more. 4
The Everyday Things of Design These are not best practices or instructions for how to design. Just my honest, from the desk experiences of how I spend my day in design, learning, failing, growing along the way with hopefully a nugget of something for you to take away and implement. 4
Unfiltered: Startup Mental Health Blog series about mental health in the startup world with Dr. Loretta Brady and Rica Elysee. 4
Postshift We are a specialist consulting & software firm focused on helping business leaders diagnose, upgrade and manage their Organisational Operating System to become more agile, adaptive & connected. 4
Cup to Cup Cup to Cup Magazine is focused on promoting transparency and knowledge on food and drink products, brands, ingredients, diets, and nutrition as well as discussing sustainability and best practices within the food and drink ecosystem. 4
Getting Heated: Argument in the Anthropocene A Collection of Environmental Arguments from the Students of Oregon State University’s WR 222 Course 4
Change For LA Political Solutions for a Better Los Angeles 4
humanrights101 Demystifying the state of human rights in Southeast Asia 4