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Articles on Software & SaaS Series of articles on specific application technology stacks and SaaS products 1
Computing and Commerce Association The Computing and Commerce Association a student association focused on the intersection between technology and business. Our mission is to “connect the professionals of today with the professionals of tomorrow”. Join us as we share some of our favourite tech tutorials! 1
Tessa Schlesinger I am a world traveler and have lived in many countries, pursued many different careers including software programming, casino dealer, head-hunter, web designer, B2B Rep, interior designer and decorator, fashion designer and dresser, and more. I have no regrets. I did it all. 1
Organization Engineering What does it take to get an organization design to work well in practice? Can we set up the individual connections so that they work well? Can we deliver meaningful control to the owners of the business? 1
Fraction A online platform where the authors discuss everything that fascinates them 1
Dig Inclusion Increasing access to all 1
Hyperbole Is Killing Us Discussion of what liberals need to be doing to clean up our own side of the street. Our feces stinks too. We can’t effectively do anything about the other side until we clean up our own stink first. 1
The Art of Data The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight. 1
Society Scrutiny The goal of this publication is to help put eyes on the issues of society! Help be a part of the change that is needed in our society today! From Mental Health & Relationships to Social Justice and Politics. We cover many different issues! Let your voice be heard! 1
Living Inside Out Inside Out is a space for sharing stories and wisdom about starting from within to create a life in alignment with who we are and who we want to be. 1
WrapPixel High Quality Admin Dashboard Templates built with Bootstrap, Angular, React and Vuejs for Developers and Agencies. Free Bootstrap Templates and Snippets. 1
The Secrets Mysterious World at Medium 1
The Lazy Goddess Love like you have all the time in the world. 1
Electo Electo is an iOS and Android app designed to keep Americans informed. Follow to join our community. 1
UX Doodles Monthly As part of navigating the Tech World, I will be taking on a different product/app every month, explaining how the product works, what makes it good or bad and how it could be improved or scaled. 1