SoftwareMill Tech Blog

Custom software development; architecture, Scala, Akka, Kafka, blockchain consulting. Distributed systems & backends, APIs. *The* partner to execute your idea! ➡️

Adam Warski

Software engineer, Functional Programming and Scala enthusiast, SoftwareMill co-founder


We specialize in: Big Data & Machine Learning | Scala & Akka | Backend Development | Distributed Systems. We organize @typevilleconf and send @scalatimes!

Krzysztof Ciesielski

Software Engineer at SoftwareMill, conference speaker, Scala developer and reactive systems enthusiast.

Marcin Baraniecki

web dev @ SoftwareMill. Electric Vehicles enthusiast. Loves all types of night photography, including astrophotography.

Tomasz Szymański

CEO & SoftwareMill, Scala/Java developer, Community Member

Maria Kucharczyk

Technology Advocate 🚀 CMO @SoftwareMill

Michał Matłoka

IT Dev (Scala), Consultant, Speaker & Trainer | #ApacheKafka #KafkaStreams #ApacheCassandra #Lightbend Certified | Open Source Contributor | @mmatloka

Lukasz Lenart

OSS enthusiast, ASF committer, Apache Struts lead, developer, husband and father and biker :-)

Grzegorz Kocur

DevOps @ Softwaremill

Kamil Charłampowicz

Software developer with experience in Java and Scala programming language, he is also a big fan of clean code, functional programming and TDD

Mateusz Palichleb

Software engineer (working @ SoftwareMill) - specializes in domain-driven web apps development. Moreover, interested in blockchain technology and cryptography.

Latest Posts

Benchmarking Java Streams

Deep Dive into performance of Java parallel stream

Do not copy successful architectures

Build robust, simple, and predictable solutions that are easy to adapt, develop, and maintain.

SSE vs WebSockets

Comparing Real-Time Communication Protocols

Build Cities not Buildings: Holistic Approach to System Design

Softrware Development is like urban planning, where each building affects and is influenced by its surroundings.

Threads, ThreadPools and Executors — Multi Thread Processing In Java

Detailed description of how different implementations of Java’s Executor interface work. Additionally, it focuses on relations between all…

Unlock the Secrets of Top Tech Highest Performers

For almost ten years, the DORA research initiative has explored the effectiveness and metrics of top-performing organizations driven by…

The biggest waste in software development

Building the wrong thing is the biggest waste in software development.

Navigating Through the Storm

Explore effective strategies for handling system overload. Learn techniques to keep systems efficient under heavy load.

Advanced large-scale DDD

Tools and architecture to effectively model and structure complex domains in software development.

Functional Containers Summary: Functor vs Applicative vs Monad

The comprehensive comparison of three basic functional containers


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