Publications tagged `FUTURE`
Name Followers
Technology4Planet Innovative technologies at the service of our planet 16
Learning Economy Dedicated to solving the global skills gap. 16
Andrea Dusi Andrea Dusi 15
tomorrow++ It is time we started thinking beyond tomorrow… 15
Foresta Collective Learning journeys for native catalysts, personal and cultural change-makers. 11
Digital Absurdist Irreverent and satirical perspectives on the most pressing matters of life in the Digital Age. 9
Designing in Sunlight Designing in Sunlight publishes creative stories and critical essays that imagine and explore human futures powered by clean energy transitions. 8
The Engineering Company Enabling inventors and engineers to design hardware at the speed of their imagination. 8
Reality Reduced Humanity’s goals, threats, and tools to creating a fantastic future. 8
FutureFile Things that might just happen 7
The Last Futurist The Last Futurist are my new media rants on the world. 6
Man Made Electric Electric news and life views since 1905. 6
Main Quest Relevant Gaming Stories 6
The Boring Design Blog A boring design publication for the boring people from The Boring Designers. 6
Welded Thoughts This is a network. And so is everything else. Welded Thoughts aims to shed light and inform by tieing ideas, concepts, and knowledge together — often from distinct domains. 5