Publications tagged `WRITING LIFE`
Name Followers
Write Purpose A reference for all things writing. 67
oh, write A publication documenting the highs and lows of a Black woman’s writing journey. 65
Write. Mother. Thrive A place where writing moms can connect and share: their writing products and process, favorite recipes and meal planning tips, lessons learned along the parenting journey, and other relationship struggles and successes. Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. 58
College Essays College Essays: Blurring Boundaries grows from Writing on Contemporary Issues,(S17). Writing & Experience,(F17) and Science Writing for the Public, (F18), will follow. The focus is creative non-fiction writing by students. Alumni please contribute to this ongoing project. 52
The Penmob Blog Writing tips, publishing insights, and the editing process. From Penmob, the platform for getting in-depth feedback on your writing. 40
The Writing Journey Sharing experiences and lessons from the writing journey. 32
The Hood Chick’s Guide I want to give artists and writers from underrepresented backgrounds the information they need to get on their feet. #Articles #Essays #Blogs 28
Storytelling, Everyday Everyday — and not so everyday — storytelling for writers and other humans. 26
Poway: Published Short fiction, poetry and other works by Poway High School Writing Seminar students 22
Writing101 The writing publication for all writers, where writing ideas makes dreams come true. 16
The NeB Book recommendations, writing guidance, and more. 16
Indie Writers Co-Op A Place For Independent Writers To Feature Their Writing 15
Ink & Keyboard I & K covers the basics of writing, tips and tricks for all writers, and the writing life; plus, it shares short stories and poems. 14
The Mindful Writer Writing is about showing up: on the page and in your life. 13
Plot Factory For writers & aspiring writers 13