Publications tagged `PHILOSOPHY`
Name Followers
OnTransgression a community of thoughtful boundary transcenders, who write genuine articles on contemporary culture and transgressive thinking. original pieces that shape shift the readers’ mind to break through the usual and repetitive. 2
Childhood & Education Sharing ideas related to childhood. 2
Súnthesis Philosophy, art & literature. 2
Itinerantings stories, thoughts, and scribblings of wonder and wander. 2
Borders & Boredom Reflections on myself, cheap philosophy and occasional rants. 1
Wealth of Ideas Essays on society, politics, and culture 1
The Adastrian A Gonzo philosophy platform to explore great philosophical ideas and thoughts, teetering on the edge of madness, through a first-person narrative of any form — musings, ruminations, stories, ideas, poetry, essays…come what may — to build the mosaic of what it means “to be” 1
Infinitesimal Jest Mostly the musings of an introverted pessimist. 1
Seeking Spirituality A place to explore the spiritual side of life. 1
ThinkingMatter Experience Design, Philosophy, Sociology, Cognition 1
The Imaginary Possible How can we create a future where everyone thrives? Speculative philosophy, fiction and art 1
Vulcan Buddha Short-form meditations on mindfulness, free will, and making the best of your life. 1
Dendrites Satisfy your mind with awesome reads. 1
Future Human by Design: Philosophy of Design On the premise that 20th century design concepts that focus on humancentrism, colonisation, and neoliberal agendas are too constrictive for what is needed in the chaotic entwined realities of the 21st century. We will explore philosophic ideas from a design oriented framing. 1
altdel We are the new in town. Read our latest articles, while we work on bringing our best to Medium. 1