Publications tagged `UX`
Name Followers
RE: Write Thoughts and stories from Studio, a product design masters program at CU Boulder, dedicated to re:working, re:designing and re:imagining the world of design and technology. 16,465
Designing Atlassian Tales from the Atlassian experience design team 14,782
Design Voices A publication for designers, developers and data nerds - from the aspiring to the expert, and anywhere in between. Content created and curated by Fjord, design and innovation from Accenture Interactive. 13,516
Bootcamp A living collection of resources and case studies for designers starting in Design, UX, and UI. Bootcamp is a new product design publication from the team behind the UX Collective ( To submit your story: 12,204
EightShapes A collection of stories, studies, and deep thinking from EightShapes 9,801
UX in Motion Creating usability with motion. Learn more at 9,562
Inside Design Stories by designers. For designers. 6,455
UX Knowledge Base Sketch The UX Knowledge Base Sketch collection is for UX designers and anyone interested in UX design or in sketching. 5,012
Facebook Research Learnings from the people who study human behavior for Facebook 4,994
SUPERJUMP Celebrating video games and their creators 4,683
The Futur Teaching creative entrepreneurs the business of design. 4,360
One Design Community Stories from Capital One's designers on how using humanity, simplicity, and ingenuity can empower people to have better control over their money. 3,880
Design Better Brought to you by InVision, Design Better provides unprecedented access to the insights that power the world’s best design teams. Learn more at 3,859
Mixed Methods Interested in the hows and whys of user experience research 3,858
Shyp Design Thoughts from the Design Team at Shyp 3,738