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Today’s Top Political Stories The goal of this publication is to provide a quick guide to what’s going on (almost) every weekday — with links to more information. I’ll sporadically add a line or two of commentary/context and perhaps an opinion piece. 3
Product with Panash We’re a product discovery studio aimed at helping startups and scaleups build their discovery practice and improve product decisioning with confidence. 3
Kelbin Blog The blog where I write about my thoughts on technology stuff that is happening in the world. This can be cryptocurrency topics and even financial topics related to tech giants 3
Michelle’s List Michelle’s List explores the best, worst, weirdest, and most helpful aspects of self-improvement and productivity 3
BEE Tech Blog BEE Plugin is an embeddable email, landing page and popup builder. Learn more at 3
Surf’s Up Read inspiring articles of change, new beginnings and moving forward to help you be happier, healthier and more successful. 3
GIMTEC The newsletter I wish I had when I finished my Bootcamp. More details at 3
Mercteil Whether by relying on genuine AMG sportiness, Brabus character or Maybach finesse, this is the best place to make your Mercedes-Benz automobile even better. 3
Food and Recipes: The Fiery Whisk Here at, “Food and Recipes”, you will find recipes, food facts, food ideas, and food related reviews. 3
What Did You Do in the Flame Wars, Daddy? Observing flame wars in the fantasy and science fiction community 3
Baby Steps In Big Shoes On growing closer to your child, embracing and resolving conflicts, enjoying life as a parent. 3
Neurotech Network Neurotechnology is medical electronics interacting with the human nervous system. We share the latest developments, applications for neurological and psychiatric conditions and ways to access. 3
Outdoor Poetry The human body wants to move and dance. It expresses itself through music and cadence and sound. Outdoor poetry seeks words which escape the mind and its endless self-reflection, and ground us in the body that dances. 3
Social Justice Cafe America is at a crossroads. We must go the path of dismantling systemic racism, economic inequality and the climate crisis or our future as a democracy is in peril. 3
Leigh Learns Creative Coding Here, I’m chronicling my projects and progress as I dive into learning how to code creatively. As a writer and an artist jumping into the waters of tech, I’m pretty excited. 3