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buildo blog buildo is a software company specialized in building complex web applications 513
Your Majesty Strategy-led design and technology for every interface. Publisher of 513
Above the Fold Bringing you the best of news on Medium 512
Range Stories and lessons from your friends at Range Labs. We're exploring how software can cultivate healthy, inclusive, and creative organizations. 512
Surviving IDEO An alumni-led publication created to surface and illuminate the persistent inequities at IDEO. This space is open to anyone impacted by IDEO harmful work culture (including folks who work at organizations led by IDEO alumni). 512
THREAD by ZALORA | #1 Philippines Online Fashion Community THREAD by ZALORA Philippines is an online fashion, beauty, and lifestyle community where trend-conscious, tech-savvy writers come together to share their insights and discuss trends. 512
LGBT Foundation The LGBT Foundation aims to deliver genuine equality for members of the LGBT community in countries across the world. 512
ML 2 Vec A blog on Machine Learning where I will go over popular Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms and showcase results from my data science experiments. I will use different datasets to show how Machine Learning can be applied to different domains. 511
Luminesce Stories and lessons about surviving and thriving in the modern world. 511
Amalgamate Psychology, philosophy, science and where they intersect. 511
Brian — The Man Behind The Pen This is just a place for me to publish anything from LGBTQ issues to poetry and short fiction. Enjoy! 511
The Abacus Crypto Journal A Voice of Reason in the otherwise cacophonous world of cryptocurrency. 511
Yelp Design Stories from Yelp's Product Design Team 511
Long-Term Perspective Consistency is key. We tell stories about the process it takes to lead a successful lifestyle. 510
Wilder We will not be tamed. 510