Publications tagged `LIFE LESSONS`
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Subversion Subversion is a publication by @1517fund that features stories of people who are in protest of something they care deeply about. What are you rallying against? 400
astrolab21 A place for articles on the subject of astrology that enhance personal growth & inspire spiritual development. 399
The Beta Mode Beta is a phase where we are incomplete, with errors and mistakes being made. It is also a phase where there is rapid learning and experimentation. Being in beta mode is focusing on progress, and not perfection. Here, we embrace beta. 385
Mental Musings Thoughts on mental health, psychology, spirituality, productivity, and living your best life. 366
A Good Life Life hacks, productivity hacks, life lessons, career advice, relationships, travel, and everything else one needs for leading the good life. 363
How To Life Live Laugh Love. Only the way we tell you. Or die. 359
Life’s Funny Documenting life’s absurdities. Life IS funny, but not always in a “haha” kind of way :) Let’s hear your stories! 353
The Happiness Planner — Mastering Happiness and Success One Day At A Time An inspirational blog about modern life wisdom and how you can find happiness from within, 343
Spark Spark is a publication for the best short writing on Medium. You can get motivated in less than a minute 317
By Elisabeth Random musings and wisdom from a New York Times bestselling author with more time on her hands than words. 309
Clear Yo Mind We’ve created the Clear Yo Mind publication to house all of the best stories on Medium about MENTAL HEALTH and wellness and to help people find great stories and help spark even more conversation. Want to contribute? Here is your official invitation to become our writer. 306
General Knowledge General Knowldege, Art, Science, Technology, Politic, History, Music, Drawing, Finance, Sociology, Psychology 277
THE TURNING POINT We all have events in our lives that served as our turning point that led us to where we are today. Capturing those thoughts, feelings, and experiences before, during, and after that time helps us be proud of how far we’ve come. Together, this is our story forward. 268
MayoOshin.Com Practical ideas based on proven science, philosophy and art, for better habits and decision-making. Articles republished from MayoOshin.Com 265
The Land of the Forgotten Mid-life musings from Gen X 263