Publications tagged `DATA`
Name Followers
SqlDBM All about SqlDBM — Cloud based Data Modeling Tool for Snowflake ❄️, AWS Redshift, MS SQL Server, PostGreSQL & MySQL 108
When I Work Data We are the When I Work Data Team 107
Lukas Frei Data Science / Machine Learning / Deep Learning / AI 106
If Technology Technology, data and analytics stories from the leading digital insurer in the Nordics 106
Lattice Product Development Publication about design, business, technology… 105
European Data Journalism Network Data-driven news on European issues, by a consortium of media from all over Europe 101
Ralali Tech Stories When Technology Becomes Your Cup of Coffee 98
Steady Health A modern clinic for personalized and convenient diabetes care. Our mission is to personalize diabetes care using technology and data analysis. 96
Open & Shut A blog exploring the potential of open data to transform closed societies, from the Iran Open Data team. 96
Castor App A plug-and-play and collaborative data discovery platform inspired by tech giants internal tools (Airbnb, Netflix, Uber, Lyft, LinkedIn) 96
Official Blog of Bitmark Our end-to-end Internet protocol secures the provenance of data. This makes it possible to have verifiable information, digital property rights, and safe sharing of personal data — without the need for trusted third parties. 95
Tunaiku Tech Stories behind Tunaiku Products, Engineering and Data Team 94
IGDB With the biggest gaming database online, we strive to become the ultimate source for the true gamer. Here you'll find news, updates, announcements, interviews and more, all related the video game industry. 93
daliaresearch Founded in 2013, Dalia is a Berlin-based technology startup that distributes millions of surveys in over 90 countries to provide research agencies, academia, public institutions, brands and other organizations access to high-quality market & opinion data. 91
Engenharia Arquivei Somos a engenharia do Arquivei. Estamos aqui para compartilhar aprendizados no nosso caminho de construir a maior plataforma de dados financeiros do brasil 84