Publications tagged `SOFTWARE ENGINEERING`
Name Followers We bridge the gap between industry and AI. 6
Engineers at Sea We talk about software engineering and technical stuff. 6
Dancing Syntax Hi, I’m Joshua Mclean! In the fall of 2019, I decided to separate my art and my wallet and pursue a career in Software Engineering. The purpose of the Dancing Syntax is to record my journey, learning, and feature stories relevant to fellow artists transitioning into Tech careers. 5
Aviation Software Innovation ASI is a new innovative startup based in Vietnam and is aiming for a fast growth in the IT consultancy (programmers) segment. The company is a game changing startup in safety for aviation, with specialized customers in the Nordic region of Europe. 5
Thinking Pandas A dedicated tech team for your business. Focus on your business while we do your tech. 5
Jack the Nomad Digital nomad and a software engineer born in 1993, Poland, sharing thoughts and lessons from his travels, work, and connecting with people. 5
Remote Engineering Management Measure and improve your software engineering team performance. 4
The Old Coder Ruminations on tech from a dinosaur. 4
fromScratch Studio We are a data-driven Product Design agency that loves building great ideas into beautiful user experiences and awesome products. 4
Dev Proto News, articles, and knowledge bank for software developers 4
SSE Blog SSE — Secure Systems Engineering 4
Flock. Community is a software engineering community. It is a place to collaborate with passionate software engineers. We share knowledge, inspire and have fun building software we love. Our goal is to make sure that you do what you like most. 4
Hexavara Tech will be frequently posting about tech stuffs, wisdom, and life 4
Courisity is a Drug Insights and thoughts of a curious programmer 4
getmayon Mayon Technology Solutions OÜ is an Information Technology Solutions Provider catering across a wide range of services such as AR/VR Solutions Development, UI and UX Design, Software Solutions, Design & Branding, Mobile and Web App Development services. 4