Publications tagged `FILM`
Name Followers
knoughtville pop/radical media | past present future 1
Strange Harbors Strange Harbors is a blog dedicated to exploring the shores of film, television, and culture 1
Stream Queens Media A horror blog guaranteed to make you stream. 1
Holding Down Le Fort Reviewing my favorite and least favorite Movies and TV Shows 1
Stellar If it’s from Bryce & Jackie Zabel, then it’s a Stellar production! 1
No Hierarchies New and creative ways to talk about arts & culture with absolutely zero scores, ratings, and rankings. Just thoughts, creativity, affect, and questions. 1
Share Your Views A place to share your thoughts, ideas ,views about books, movies, TV shows and more 1
The Movie Paradise We cover movie news, reviews, and editorials — ranging from Oscar dramas to comic book movies 1
CROOKES Magazine Exclusive Interviews & Photoshoots from the Digital Publication 0
Movies With Seb Movies With Seb is a Publication created by Film Critic & Filmjournalist Seb Khouw. On this Publication you will find Stories full of Film Analysis and Film Criticism. Of course, there will also be lots of Film Reviews on this Publication. 0 Cinephilosopher is a one-man blog that covers movies, games, and life. If you enjoy reading my stuff, do check out my website ( and follow me on social media to get notified of new posts. 0
The Watercooler [HQ] Your Streaming Sherpas can help you find TV shows and films that match your frame of mind and interests — and find fellow viewers through our Binge Viewers Clubs. Don’t binge alone. 0
The Demoread A weekly letter on art, music, books, teaching, writing, and the ravine behind my house. Delivered Sundays. 0
Republic Of Story A curated collection of trends and moments of women in film and television. 0
authentic aesthetic Authentic Aesthetic Community Blog — to submit a post, email 0