Publications tagged `SOFTWARE`
Name Followers
Built to Adapt How software is changing the way society and businesses are built. 20,677
Balderton Investing in Europe’s leading technology entrepreneurs 9,280
Palantir Blog Palantir Blog 6,215
Remote Symfony Team 4,345
BBC Design + Engineering BBC D+E. Building the best BBC products, platforms and services for audiences in the UK and around the world 2,635
AdBlock’s Blog AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers worldwide with more than 60 million users on major desktop and mobile browsers. Use AdBlock to block annoying ads, improve browser speeds, and protect yourself online. 1,927
Plex Labs Plex Labs 1,797
The Crossover Blog Welcome to the future of work. The Crossover blog is your resource for staying up to date on topics that matter in the modern workplace-like tech skills, remote work, recruiting insights, and more. Learn more about Crossover and browse remote tech jobs at 1,404
Productivity Freak Awesome tools and productivity hacks 1,001
SSENSE-TECH Ideas and research from the software, data & product teams behind the global fashion platform SSENSE. 956
RedElastic The RedElastic Blog. Articles about reactive programming and distributed systems by RedElastic, a boutique consulting company specializing in reactive systems. 936
Software Development Turkey Dünyada 10 Çeşit İnsan Vardır. Binary Bilen ve Bilmeyen. 872
Ministry of Programming — Technology Supercharged tech team specialized in building startups 766
WeTransfer WeTransfer makes tools to move ideas across the creative spectrum: editorial platform WePresent, mobile app ‘Collect’, slide-making tool Paste®, sketching app Paper®, and with 50 million monthly users and over a billion files sent each month. 696
Real Life Programming Stories from experienced software developers about programming, productivity and business. 623