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Geek Physics The intersection of physics and pop culture geeky stuff. That means pure physics, video analysis, superhero, and science fiction things. 39
ozarde Design, IoT, AI, Metaphysics, Vedanta, Upanishads, Yoga, Sanskrit, Science, History, Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, Consciousness, Quantum, Physics 39
GeoMovements GeoMovements is an independent blog about white supremacy and trolls on social media. 39
Rinzin In the process of finding my writer’s voice. 39
The Crow Stories, poems, opinions, experiences, art, audio created by teens on —  a community of respect led by young people from all over the world. 39
Synthesio Engineering A fun yet professional team of engineers that works together to build a world class Social Intelligence platform 39
kidsNclicks Helping kids find the balance between the offline & online word. Digital parenting tips,interviews and videos 39
idealect Stories about innovation, inclusion, diversity, design thinking, creative technology, and data. idealect is a social innovation consultancy based in Kansas City. | 39
thecrypto Distributing the future 39
MilitiaWatch Miltias, ideology, and operations 39
The Substrate Searching for butterflies 39
Pulse on Progress Highlighting the progress driven by truly determined people finding new ways to work together to improve patient outcomes. 39
Truth & Systems Truth & Systems is a start-up studio based in NYC’s Meatpacking district. We create, co-found, invest in, and scale companies. We are interested in ideas that make jobs rather than take jobs, help rather than harm the environment, and promote inclusivity not divisiveness. 39
Journalism and Society Work from Fall 2018 + Spring 2019 Brooklyn College students. 39
Pathways to Universal Basic Income the case for a Universal Basic Opportunity Fund 39