Publications tagged `DESIGN`
Name Followers
Perficient Digital Labs We serve as digital craftsmen. We combine emerging technology, creativity, and exceptional usability to build beautiful products and unique experiences. 5,747
SAP Design We make work delightful through a human-centered design approach. SAP privacy statement for followers: 5,613
Dev Tutorials Discover the best learning resources, tips, stories & news on chatbots, development, Programming, design, data science, blockchain, mobile development, web development and design, front end development, Dev ops, software engineering. 5,585
Lyft Design+ Lyft’s Product Design+ team shares stories from our studio 5,519
Design Nation Tutorials, ideas and inspiring stories from designers to design enthusiasts. Welcome to contribute. 5,214
Red Shift The official Infinite Red publication for web & app design, iOS & Android development, React Native, Elixir, JavaScript, and remote work. We’re a fully distributed team building world-class apps for over 20 years for clients all around the world. 5,124
UX Knowledge Base Sketch The UX Knowledge Base Sketch collection is for UX designers and anyone interested in UX design or in sketching. 5,012
SUPERJUMP Celebrating video games and their creators 4,683 UX UX stories from the designers and researchers at 4,672
Halide Behind Halide 4,586
The Futur Teaching creative entrepreneurs the business of design. 4,360
U.S. Digital Service The United States Digital Service is a tech startup working across the Federal government to deliver better services to the American people. 4,161
NYC Design A publication for designers of New York & design lovers from all around the world. Design thinking is what makes us share with the whole world. 4,157
COBE You have an idea for a web or a mobile app? We have the know-how and the now-tech. Check our work at 4,107
Cotton Bureau At Large Cotton Bureau 4,099